Social Spotlight: Why Did Dee Dee Go Natural? Wednesday 09 January, 2013

Social Spotlight: Dee Dee aka Miss Foodie Fab
This is part 1 to my Why Did I Go Natural Social Spotlight series featuring my blogging Big Sis Dee Dee (aka. Miss Foodie Fab). If you missed my initial posting on the series please review here as to how I caught up with 7 bloggers & myself to reveal why we all went natural with our hair process.
Why Did Dee Dee Go Natural?:
Name: Dee Dee Cooper aka Miss Foodie Fab
Hometown: Cali
Blog Website: Missfoodiefab.com
Years natural: I’ve been off and on without a relaxer since 2002. From 2002 to 2009 I was relaxer free, then from 2010 until current.
Why did you go natural: I had no concrete reason to stop using a relaxer. In 2002 I wanted to see what my original hair texture would be like and to cut down the time I had to stay in the salon. In 2009, I had stopped going to my stylist and started growing my hair out. After a while my started getting longer and my curls started coming in. I loved seeing myself with curly hair, so I made the decision to keep going without a relaxer. Before I knew it 2 years had flown by.
What is your signature hair style: My signature hair style is my poof.
Pros and cons of being natural: Con, is that if you don’t know how to press or straighten your own hair, it can be costly to get it done or to fine someone that can do it appropriately, When I have my hair straightened, I want it bone straight and to last at least a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, I have found only one stylist in Atlanta who could so so. However the pro of being relaxer free is having versatility. When I relaxed my hair I didn’t realize that I didn’t have the freedom to go straight to curly, or curly to straight, like I do now.
Favorite products: Kinky Kurly Curling Custard, Hello Hydration 2-in-1 Shampoo + Conditioner, Shea Moisture Organic Curl Enhancing Smoothie, and Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream are God sends for my hair.
Trend or here to stay: For some people I do think being relaxer free is a trend, and for some I think it’s here to stay. Some people had unrelaxed hair way before it became accepted, for them I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. For others, they just want to wear the latest style/trend, and that happens to be having curly hair currently. I guess that’s why I frown upon some people who take their hair so seriously and only have friends who are natural, wear locs, etc. At the end of the day, it’s just hair and it should not divide anyone. If you don’t want a relaxer, great. If you do, great again. People change and their style of hair, clothing, etc. is just a part of them and not who they are. I do think, however, eventually the current style/trend of not having a relaxer will fade out and many people will quickly go back to a relaxer when it’s over.
Tip for women considering going natural: Your hair is your hair, meaning it’s not going to look like any other person. So, save your money, frustration, and time trying to “manipulate” your hair into getting a certain curl pattern. Accept and love your hair for how it is and don’t compare it with anyone else. What works for someone else may not work for you. Yes, experiment but don’t go overboard with products attempting to have your hair be a certain texture.
Thank Dee Dee aka Miss Foodie Fab for participating in my Why Did I Go Natural Photo Series. (check out behind the scenes of this shoot on instagram hashtag #KiwiBlogCollab).
Find Dee Dee (www.missfoodiefab.com)
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Stayed Tuned for the next “Why Did I Go Natural” Blogger – Nikka Shae.
Love, Grace & Kissy Face!
Ca-ute! Love the feature! And I LOVE MissFoodieFab aka Dee Dee Cooper.
Great post and dialogue on why Dee Dee went natural. Keep up the good work!
Gooooo DeeDee! I love this post and series! WERK ladies!
As I’ve said in the past, you are awesomely creative. Thank you for having me in your first shoot.
Love this post. Love DeeDee!!! Thanks again Kiwi for making the collobration happen 🙂
I loved this feature and the “REAL TALK!” CUTE pics!!
Dee Dee you look lovely! Kiwi, I’m ashamed to say, this is my first visit here but I love every.single.thing. about your site! Fabulousity my darlin!
N Wow what a wonderful feature on my girl Dee! I love your hair curly too girly!!! I love your blog too kiwi !!!!
I Love, Love, Love This Series! Great questions/answers. Dee Dee the pics are fabulous. Yay Team Natural.
Great post! I agree with your points about hair being an expression of your creativity so only having natural or loc’d friends is like only hanging with girls who wear certain clothing. Speaking of clothing: that dress is EVERYTHING.
Truer words were never spoken! (I think that’s how the saying goes. LOL) I loved the interview and the photo shoot was great! Good job.
Great feature! Dee looks fab 🙂 Get it BLMGirls!
This was too cute! I had fun meeting all the bloggers and makeing new friends! That’s why I love blogging > new relationships!! Great people! Great post!
My gurrrrl Dee Dee!!!!! Forget the natural that blue dress is HAUTE!!!!! Lol!!!!