Posts Tagged ‘Helen Mirren’
Monday 17 August, 2020
ALL STAR CAST & VIRTUAL PRESS JUNKET FOR Disney Plus with The One and Only Ivan
Disney’s did something new for the first time and had a virtual press conference with an all star cast for the upcoming Disney + movie The One and Only Ivan. I was on the press junket via Zoom with other media outlet and this was definitely a new way to attend a junket! It was […]
Wednesday 12 September, 2018
Disney’s The Nutcracker and the Four Realms” Colorful Character Posters
Holiday countdown time and that means Christmas movies are coming. One of the most anticipated Christmas movies coming this year will be live action remake of Disney’s The Nutcracker. Now release we can check out the new character posters for Disney’s 2018 holiday feature film THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS opening in theatres November 2nd! Wow […]