{31 Stories} Day 7: Pastime Thursday 08 August, 2013

Day 7: Pastime

My favorite pastime is definitely reading. It seems like people have the attention span of an ant lately and can’t sit down and enjoy a good book. Not me, this girl is a certified book worm.

I think it all started when I was little. My mom would walk my brother & I to the local library, and allowed me to pick up lots of books to check out. This was my version of being a kid in  candystore {kid in a bookstore}.  I would get so excited getting new books every week, returning them to get more new books. I was addicted.

I remember a couple of times in my childhood, my mom would try to punish me and put me in a corner with a few books, and told me I couldn’t get up until I read all the books. I didn’t feel like I was in punishment, I probably purposely started to get in trouble so I could read books. #GoodGirlProblems lol

As I got older, and had to read books without pictures…I started to realize my mind could take me to places outside of my environment while reading. Reading become much more vivid than daydreaming where I would get lost and caught up in a book, to where I felt like I was apart of the book. I stayed up many nights not going to sleep on time because each chapter kept drawing me in, not allowing me to go to sleep until I knew what was going to happen next.

My love for books is Real. Below are the books in the above picture, so if you are interesting in purchasing any of the books yourself, feel free to click the links and enjoy.

1. Don’t Forget to Write Home by Wallace Durham {my dad}

2. Happy: Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life by Dr. Ian Smith

3. The Law of Attraction by Ester and Jerry Hicks

4. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

5. Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office 101 by Lois P.Frankel

6. Mr. Maybe by Jane Green

7. You too, Can Be Properous by Robert A. Russell

8. The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

9. The Go-Girl Guide by Julia Bourland

The 1st book is my Dad’s book, and I actually aspire to write my own book one day.

A book I highly recommend for EVERYONE is book #3 on the list THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. That book has changed my life so much. I am obsessed with The Secret & The Law of Attraction principles. As a matter of fact, when I got that book in particular I was at Goodwill. I tried to go thrifting with my fellow blogger friends a few months ago, and said lets see if I can actually buy clothes, because I always by BOOKS when I go to Goodwill. I couldn’t find any clothes I liked, but I look on a table and The Law of Attraction book was just sitting there as if it was ready for me to buy it. It was .85 cent and it was the only thing I purchased that day {I am a book thrifter pro lol}.  So people clothes aren’t the only things you can thrift…THRIFT A BOOK!

I have so many books, they can’t even all fit on my current bookshelf.  I am a book lover, to the point I nearly cried when they closed down Borders! I loved Borders…darn you modern technology + iBooks + Kindles! My face would light up if someone actually got me a giftcard to a bookstore…you don’t even know!

Learn more about #31stories photo challenge and if you would like to participate with me and others who will be sharing their photos for the month of August. I am going to commit to not quit a monthly photo challenge. I have 31 days to share my story, whats yours?

Follow my #31stories on my Instagram + Twitter at @kiwithebeauty.


About the Blogger - Kiwi the Beauty

Kiwi is the free spirited blogger and content creator of KiwiTheBeauty.com. As a digital influencer, she produces creative inspiration around beauty, lifestyle, media and travel leisure. Her life mantra is to make manifesting fun! When she’s not blogging, she is eating trendy hipster food, carrying crystals, making it rain at her local farmer's market and binge brunching. Follow her on her blog and social media at kiwithebeauty.com + @kiwithebeauty

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  • GoodLooknOut says:

    My pastime was the same just added a cup of joe! Something about the smell of books. I want to read this book you’re recommending!

    • I feel like real ebooks aren’t real books. I love new book smell and I just get so excited to real. These poor kids do not understand the value of reading its too much technology for them. Yes you should check out the books and if you need more recommendations I will be happy to provide them for you.

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