Make Your Hotline Bling More #DataAndAMovie Friday 29 January, 2016

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart Family Mobile. All opinions are mine alone. #DataAndAMovie #CollectiveBias
Do you guys remember the days when people used to only be able to contact you with a phone call. Yes just dialing your number and actually hearing your voice! Drake is right…you used to call me on my cellphone….the world used to call each other on our cellphones (or house phones). I am so happy I was one of the last generation who understood what it was like to check my voicemail if I miss a call or even anticipate a call! Now and days getting in touch with people is a bit too accessible. Hear me out! Its a good and very bad thing! We are more connected more than ever, but we are also very disconnected too. We talk less and social media more. Most of the time we are too busy checking Facebook or getting updates on Instagram to tune in with people. My phone barely even rings anymore does yours?
Serious this is a real question? Does your phone ring or like the popular singer Drake sang in his very popular song, does your ‘Hotline Bling”? I am not talking about text messages either, I am talking about a real phone call? Look my favorite holiday is coming up around the corner, and that is when you feel like you should reach out to your love one the most then right? No, we need to go back to the times where you actually DIALED someones number and enjoyed hearing someone’s voice. There was a guy I was dating and what really attracted me to him in the early stages is that he didn’t text me all day, he actually picked up the phone and wanted to talk. Feel my energy. Get to know me. We didn’t exchange social media information or anything. Old school talking on the phone for hours! It was refreshing. That inspired me to want to go back to the good days and challenge everyone with me to take the Hotline Bling Challenge!
Hotline Bling Challenge
1. For every person who text you, call them later in the day.
2. Call someone out of the blue who wasn’t expecting it.
3. Actually check your voicemail (I know it’s full) and return some calls.
4. For every nice social media response you get that day, call that person!
5. If it’s someone’s birthday on social that you know, call them and wish them personally Happy Birthday!
5. If someone shared good news on social media, don’t just like it. Call them and say CONGRATULATIONS!
6.. For one week, put up your Facebook status and tell your friends list they can contact you via phone. Give social media a break.
7. For every group chat discussion, take it old school get on a multi-call line and arrange a day to meet up in person.
8. If you are thinking of someone, just take the general initiative to CALL them. Don’t let your first reaction be a text.
9. Try this entire list for a month. If you do it successfully, do it for another month until Calling People is a constant habit.
I wont lie, this challenge is going to be a challenge for me. I have been conditioned like the rest of the world to act like I am so busy to call, but not busy to be on social. I am taking this Hotline Bling Challenge seriously. The power of your voice will always be better than any social media like button out there. Since I am taking the challenge, I actually will be using the new Samsung Galaxy Core Prime to do my hotline blinging!
When I bought the phone, I got the Walmart Family Mobile PLUS plan that provides unlimited talk, text, & data- which includes up to 10GB of 4G LTE for just $49.95 a month- best part there is no contract! This is was bought at a rollback price for $79.92 versus the original $99.92 so this was under $100! Also, with the PLUS plan, you can get a FREE movie each month from VUDU. You guys know I love my movies, especially since I will be traveling more so this will be great on my flights or even if I have down time in my hotel rooms. Free movie screening on your phone is always a great perk! Also not only is it great to watch movies on VUDU on my phone, I can watch it on my other devices such as my tablet, laptop and even transfer to my new smart TV. Technology is amazing! DVD players will be dust like VHS soon if it keeps it up!

Time to Hotline Bling some phones!
I’m am enjoying the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime features & I am serious about starting my Hotline Bling Challenge. I will be participating in the challenge but utilizing my movie streaming on VUDU too. I know I am saying take it back to the old school with calling, but seriously isn’t it cool you can watch movies on your phones now! We are so close to the Jetson age it isn’t even funny.
It’s time to light up some people’s phone. Let’s get out of our Drake feelings and start calling people on their cell phones again! II’m ready for my hotline to start blinging again, while I run out of pages in my passport (another Drake ‘Hotline Bling reference). That’s my motto for the year! Join me, call someone today! Hopefully you doing the Hotline Bling challenge will encourage your friends/family/loved ones to get in the habit of calling you more as well!
Disclaimer: All prices for phones and plans included in this post are accurate as of the date of posting; however, these prices are subject to change. Please refer to http://cbi.as/28aqc or your local Walmart for current pricing.
How Often Does Your Hotline Bling? Will You Take the Challenge with Me?
I use my phone to tell time :-). I hate the phone with a passion. I think it’s from all those years at work where at least 5 lines were going in the pharmacy that l have shied away from them ever since. That being said, l am more of a writing kind of person. I still send postcards and sometimes letters :-). This is a good challenge though..
I do NOT call people. I will never return a voicemail and it’s a rare day that I will answer the phone for anyone other than the 3 people (my husband, mom or the kids school) on my list. Everyone knows the best way to reach me is my text.
Oh the days of voicemail! Oddly enough, I’ve NEVER been a phone person. Sure, I’ve talked to my sister/best friends for hours straight on the phone but I’ve always preferred texting. I’ll definitely have to try the hotline bling challenge this month <3
I make my phone bling all the time. I constantly watch movies on it when I’m traveling.
Apart from my family, Boo and work I can not remember the last time my phone rung. Everyone be texting and social media all day long which is a shame but what can one do eh. I like this challenge
I’m up for this challenge as it sure beats text messages. I think phone calls is a clearer way to transmit info as well as socializing.
I really need to take the challenge because I have to confess that I text way more than I call. I’m the queen of texting. I need to pick up the phone more and actually have a for real convo!
I have always felt like technology is a blessing and a curse. This is a great challenge because nothing beats REAL communication. We need more of that.
If I clean out my voice mail people will fill it up – again! I don’t know if I am even ready to hear what’s in there which is why it stays full. Thank you for the great tips – love seeing the electronics available!
I’ve been trying the Walmart Family Mobile PLUS plan too and I’m loving it! There’s so much data! And the price is great!
That challenge is an awesome way to be social. The Walmart Family Mobile Plus plan sounds like a great deal.
Yeah I don’t talk much on the phone anymore. It’s just not my thing. I do have some long distance friends though, so I will call them occasionally.
You make some good points about technology and the rabid increase of it in this article.
I agree that it can be a bit much and think your challenge looks like a fun spin-off.
I definitely text much more than I talk but nothing beats an old school conversation. When you actually listen to someone’s voice, you can hear their expressions and emotions, which is quite difficult to interpret through text.
I love the idea of calling people instead of texting so often. I like the convenience of texting but sometimes it’s just nice to hear that person’s voice.
These are all great idea but I have to admit, with all the ways people contact each other now (text, email, phone call, social media messaging) it’s a bit overwhelming to keep up. Being able to send a quick text is great. However I don’t like having a relationship solely over text either!
Interesting challenge, definitely one well meant.
This is a great challenge for me. I am a 100% texter, I Really need to call people more often.
I’ve not only been calling people more often, I also have scheduled lunches with friends to see them IRL! Social media isn’t the best way to keep up – calls and face to face time are!
I have to be honest in saying that I don’t talk on the phone unless I have to. After working in a job where I had to talk on the phone 8 hours a day for 11 years, I’m good with the silence! I use my phone to text, check the time, set appointments on my calendar, and umm… things of that nature but nobody needs to call me … ever. 🙂
I don’t really like to talk on the phone, I’d rather spend time with someone in person. I talk to my parents daily but I’m all for getting together over a long lunch or dinner and just talking.
I have been trying to talk to people more on the phone less text. But it also depends on who and the situation.
I speak on the phone often to family and I make time for a few key friends but that’s it.
I never listen to my voice mails! This post is most certainly directed at me. I’m up for the challenge!
These are some great ideas!
I certainly remember when the only way to speak to someone was to dial their number–and there were no message machines then either. I still use my land line when I want to talk to a friend whenever possible-I NEVER text (don’t even have a smart phone).
What a great challenge, I have not tried that plan yet. I am currently on another prepaid plan for myself and my teen daughter but curious about this challenge!
This is a great challenge. I will have to share this with my kids. I am glad we have unlimited calling.
I will pledge to call 7 people every day. I usually get emails and hundreds of FB notices. Your idea sounds like fun, and will shake up the people I know who think meaningful communication is spelled TEXT.
I am definitely impressed with the lot of Walmart Family Mobile plans. I appreciate that they are built on the T-Mobile network too.
Calling is better than texting, always.
I hit enter too early, I wasn’t done talking. 😉 I wish my grown kids would call instead of always texting!
What great plans from Walmart! I will need to look into these for my family, these deals are too good to pass up.
Walmart’s family mobile is such a great deal! But, I hate talking on the phone. I avoid it like the plague.
Lol cute post!! These are great deals!
I really love this challenge, unfortunately nobody answers their phone lol. I’m going to try to call more!
You make some good points about technology. Also I don’t talk much on the phone anymore. Loved reading this post!!
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 4 months now, and he is the FIRST guy in my life to ever want to call. He still texts throughout the day just to let me know he’s thinking about me, but when he gets time, he calls me. Took a little getting used to for me, but I really love it! I’ve never been a phone call kinda girl, rather text. Except my kids, I call them often and they live with me lol.
This is a great challenge for someone like me, lol! I hate using the phone (I’m an introvert) and would much prefer to text, email or message someone rather than calling them. But stepping out of your comfort zone is always good once in awhile!
I must tell you that I actually prefer to text compared to talking on the phone. The reason for that is because my boys are so insanely loud and tend to be even louder every single time they see me trying to have a conversation on the phone. If I text I am more under their radar and can actually understand and connect with the person I am communicating with. Sounds kinda crazy, huh?
This is such a great concept! I am forwarding this to my teenage kids and hubby!
This challenge is a challenge for me, LOL!!! But I’ll try.
Interesting challenge. I am very old school and only call people. I hate text messaging and I don’t use social media with family and friends. It is only for my work.
I know right?!
There are so many times that I’ll call someone and their voice mail is full – So texting is what they’re so into – I also love it.
Your ideas are great – and especially “For every person who text you, call them later in the day.” for family and friends this is a big reminder
I have to say that I absolutely love your hotline bling challenge. I too need to take some time out and talk to some people on the phone I haven’t chatted with in a while. It’s so easy to get busy and forget about the important people in our lives. I’ll be taking this challenge this month.
The Hotling Bling Challenge is really challenging! I am not a cellphone person and I never really liked talking on phone so the 1st and 2nd would be very hard for me.
This would be very challenging! I am shaking my head just thinking about it, but auger creative idea!
Interestingly I don’t mind returning calls instead of texting. Those that do call me are usually my friends that love to talk on the phone as well and it’s a signal that it is time for us to catch up. I do like that Walmart has unlimited phone plans. It’s wonderful it’s on the T-mobile network!
I love love love this challenge. I think it is so important to connect through conversation.
I will start with the challenge today!
I will grudgingly admit that your “hotline bling” challenge is a good idea. I’m the person that texting was invented for because I hatttteee talking on the phone! I’m going to return some phone calls right now…