My 2014 Insta-Review and Accomplishments! Wednesday 31 December, 2014

This is the last day of 2014 and it’s only right to review and reflect on what I have done this year. I am using my Instagram photos as a point of reference, because come on- IG is basically a keeper of the best memories! While I was getting the photos for this post, I almost forgot some of the things I did this year. That why it is good to go back and revisit the memories of your past – so you can check things off and even do your own celebration before the clock strikes twelve for the New Years!


Check out the some of my moment that happened this year!

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kiwi-2014-year-review12 I can honestly say this was an amazing year! This was a year I will never forget…


This is just a few of my proud moments.Now of course I am highlighting my good moments, I will not sit here and lie on this blog and make it seem like my life was all peaches and cream because of these moments. I had some personal things behind the scenes that weren’t so cool, but I am leaving those incidents here in 2014 and continue to move forward. I do NOT have a new years resolution because that is cliche and I fell like I can do better than proclaim  a resolution. I have a mantra…my mantra for 2015 this year will be #MAKEITHAPPEN. Sometimes we make excuses for why things do not happen in our lives, and even self-talk ourselves out of our dream. I want to affirm for all my future goals to remind myself to just make it happen…don’t make excuses. Thats my goal for 2015. 

I genuinely wish you a Happy New Year and I will be blogger better for you are in the year to come!

Honestly how was your 2014? Leaving anything Behind? Anything you are looking forward to in the New Year?


About the Blogger - Kiwi the Beauty

Kiwi is the free spirited blogger and content creator of As a digital influencer, she produces creative inspiration around beauty, lifestyle, media and travel leisure. Her life mantra is to make manifesting fun! When she’s not blogging, she is eating trendy hipster food, carrying crystals, making it rain at her local farmer's market and binge brunching. Follow her on her blog and social media at + @kiwithebeauty

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