Posts Tagged ‘hair dye’

Thursday 25 September, 2014

Oops She Dyed It Again | Red Curly Indique Hair

Ok it’s that time of year again where Kiwi is sick of her hair! I’ve been blogging kind of without even tell you all what I did. So last year I dyed my hair blonde, but that blonde had to go! It had a nice run, literally for an entire year – but I was […]

Tuesday 13 August, 2013

{31 Stories} Days 9-12

I apologize for clustering my #31 Stories into 3 days into the blog. I had some blogger technical difficulties, but I did not forget to feature them on social media daily…so I am still being consistent as promise {the blog just needs to be in alignment}. So follow up with me of the #31stories photo […]