{31 Stories} Days 9-12 Tuesday 13 August, 2013

Day 9: Sound
Click here for the sound feature. I will try to update and put the actualy video here but currently it wont upload on the blog. The sound was at K.Michelle’s listening party I covered last week and you can also read that story here.
Day 10: Book

Now as I stated in Day 7 of my favorite pastime is that of reading, I am a bookworm to the core. In the books I recommended and displayed, This book of Money & the Law of Attraction is one of my favorite books. The Law of Attraction in itself is powerful, but Money is something we all want more of and this law will help you obtain more of it. I am constantly reading this book and reminding myself the law is always working and it applies to wealth and abundance.
Day 11: Sayings

Excerpt from my Instagram: I personally like this one taken from Alicia Key’s “Unthinkable“…time is only wasting so why wait for eventually. People have an “eventually” mentality…like what they want will just magically happen on its on in due time. It takes persistence and consistency for eventually stuff to happen. It takes many mini events for the BIG “eventually” scenario. You dreams, your love life, your career, etc…it takes a bit if optimism + perseverance to get what you want…so why are you waiting for it? Do the Unthinkable!
Day 12: View

So today I finally caught up with the stories on the blog. This happened today – I dyed my hair! Kiwi is a blondie! But because today’s story is featuring “View” – I decided it would be better to just “PREVIEW” my hair…and do an entire blog post separate about my hair dyeing process. I was so ready to dye my hair – and it is done! Kiwi the Beauty is now Kiwi the Blondie {lol} following up with that blog soon.
Learn more about #31stories photo challenge and if you would like to participate with me and others who will be sharing their photos for the month of August. I am going to commit to not quit a monthly photo challenge. I have 31 days to share my story, whats yours?
Follow my #31stories on my Instagram + Twitter at @kiwithebeauty.

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