Weight Loss Tips for People in Their 40’s Friday 12 August, 2022

If you love traveling, you know the importance of health and having a strong immune system. And let’s face it, when you hit 40, you’re about middle-aged and with it comes a lot of changes. Hormones begin to shift, lifestyles often become more sedentary, and your lifestyle may be filled with a lot of things to do, and most of them aren’t of your choosing. Losing weight can feel like a pipe dream.
The good news is that losing weight is possible in your 40s, the bad news is it won’t come without some effort. Most people think that if they exercise enough the weight will come off, but the saying that you can’t outrun a bad diet is especially true when you hit 40. If you’re past this milestone and you want to lose some pounds, here are some of the best weight loss tips for you.
Visit Your Doctor
If you haven’t been to your doctor since you were in your 20s it’s probably a good time to get in. Many symptoms are related to illnesses that you may not even know are a thing. Like that exhaustion that hits you like a train at midday isn’t really normal and the trouble you have sleeping despite giving up caffeine after 9 am. Some seemingly age-related things you’re noticing could be helped with products from the pharmaceutical industry if only you knew what was affecting you. It’s best to get a full workup to see if any underlying issues could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Drinking Water Will Make You Pee… and That’s Okay!
Too often people say that they don’t like to drink too much water because then they feel like they are going to the bathroom all day long. But the truth is, you should be emptying your bladder multiple times a day when you are drinking enough water.
The problem comes when you feel like you must urinate but only a dribble comes out each time or when you have leakage problems or any other uncomfortable feeling. Drinking up to 3 liters of water a day should be the norm for people depending on their weight. People who are heavier need more water than those who are smaller. Water is essential for weight loss so don’t forget to drink enough.
Focus on Eating the Basics
Counting complicates things. Whether you are counting calories, counting carbs, or counting points, it feels like weight loss is all about counting. The truth is, at least to start, your focus should be on shifting what you eat and then adjusting amounts. There are many programs that simplify this like doing a Whole30 to help eliminate sugar addiction or going keto to help the weight come off more quickly. No matter what plan you use, if you focus on eating meat to get enough protein, healthy fats, fruits, and lots of green vegetables, you will have a good foundation for a healthy diet.
Find Someone To Push You To Exercise
One of the best ways to exercise is to sign up for a gym membership and enroll in workout classes. Group classes are often less expensive than working with a personal trainer, and the structured environment will help with accountability. There are all types of fitness classes, too–from yoga to zumba, from spin cycling to fitness bootcamps. So if the thought of cycling isn’t your thing, perhaps another class will appeal to you. You also never know, but you might make friends while you’re working out! The more accountability you can get, the better.
You Need Sleep
You aren’t 20 anymore. Pulling all-nighters and expecting to bounce back in an instant is unreasonable at best and foolish at worst. Your sleep is your greatest weapon to help you lose weight and feel great in your 40s and beyond. Give yourself permission to stop doing all the things earlier in the evening.
Create a nightly ritual before you go to sleep. Keep your room quiet and dark. You could even consider using a white noise machine if that helps you sleep. When you get enough sleep your body can function with more energy throughout the day, you have fewer stress hormones to impair your ability to burn fat, and you feel less hungry.
We’re already doing a lot of these tips, well, except working out!!! I know we should!!!
Totally the best guidelines toward a healthy, anti-aging living. These suggestions work today. They are the classics!