{31Stories Day 20: Things to Do in The Evening Thursday 22 August, 2013
Day 20: Things to Do in the Evening
So what do I do that? It’s like wishing on a star…I just wish on a number. I have over the years have became very keen to numerology and the significance of it. It might seem weird or it doesn’t make much sense to some, but 11:11 is a very powerful number sequence.
It’s a very spiritual and metaphysical thing, and if you are not into that kind of thing then it would be hard for you to understand. I am kind of interesting like that, in which I do believe in somewhat matrix-like principles and believe there is more to the world than which we are learning. I don’t think we are taught things such as supernatural things of the world…although they are there.
Such as synchronicity and even deja vu. We all experience both all the time, but it’s very hard to explain. Synchronicity is one of my favorite things to experience because it reminds me that there are no such things a coincidences. I don’t want to get real deep into it, but everything is somewhat connected and I do believe the power of the human mind is amazing if we pay attention. The funny thing about 11:11 I always seem to accidentally look at the clock at the time randomly – instead of waiting for it to come on. That’s the magical and fun part about it.
So instead of waiting to see a shooting star {I have never seen one in my entire life} or waiting until your birthday to make a wish, make one at 11:11. It can’t hurt.
Follow my #31stories on my Instagram + Twitter at @kiwithebeauty.
Love, Grace & Kissy Face,
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