{Beauty Treats} Sugar Skull Halloween Look + Neutrogena Cleansing Towelettes Thursday 16 October, 2014

DISCLAIMER / FTC: This post is sponsored by NEUTROGENA®

I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. Some of the products mentioned were purchased by myself AND/OR some were provided by NEUTROGENA® for this post. #NeutrogenaFaceOff #CollectiveBias

It’s Halloween season and it’s time to come up with some creative ideas for costumes and such. I’m a big kid, I myself have no kids yet but I still love to dress up and recreate cool fun looks for the season! I decided to try to not focus so much on an actual costume this year, and do more of an actual look! I will tell you all time and time again, I am NOT a makeup beauty blogger, makeup isn’t my strong point at all. What I will tell you is that I am VERY creative, enough to pull off this feminine sugar skull face. Neutrogena has these cleansing towelettes and they are supposed to be so efficient that it comes off in one wipe. So I took the challenge and tested the theory with this look! Check out my recreations below.
Personal Disclaimer: Originally, I wasn’t confident that I would be able to pull off this look efficiently. I actually hired a makeup artist to even do the look for me, but plans fell through – so I was forced to do it myself. I was very nervous because again, I am not the best makeup person, nor have I done anything like this in a while. But I will let you in on a little tidbit about me; I loved to paint as a child to where I wanted to grow up and become a professional artist. I used to watch Bob Ross every weekend and desired to display my own work of art, but that dream died a little. This opportunity actually brought back feelings of my long lost desire to paint, and my first canvas in a long time was MY FACE. I didn’t know how it was going to come out, but one thing about artist and the flow of creating is that your imagination starts doing the work for you. So overall I am happy with my Sugar Skull, Day of the Dead recreation. Check it out!

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Can my look double as Scary Spice Day of the Dead version?

These were just a few shots of my Sugar Skull look. This was very affordable with everything being under $12! You can get the paint supplies from  your local craft store. I went to Hobby Lobby.
Face paint – $4.99
Paint brushes (24pk) – $4.99
Flowers (2) – $1 via Dollar Tree