Oh What Fun! 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Monday 15 December, 2014

Ok guys it crunch times…its literally ten days of Christmas (sorry I missed 12) and you still have time to shop! Do you know what you are gonna buy? Have you started yet? Are you panicking? Well don’t panic…stop breaking out into hives…dont go crying in a corner help is here. This is actually my first gift guide on my blog so this is really exciting for me.
I will share with you all 50+ holiday gift ideas ranging in wish list items from beauty, home good + tech, fashion, funky, stocking stuffers and $25 and under spending. I will also sharing with you all a few reviews of some of the products I have on the list right before Christmas, so you can see how I like it. Tomorrow I will be reviewing my first product so join me and hope I can inspire you to buy something!
Let me know what you are looking to buy? Anything you are stuck with?
I may be done with shopping, but I am always open to something elst that would be a great gift.
My shopping is done actually. I am one of those people who are done before Thanksgiving 🙂
I SAY that I’m done, but I still pick up items for my boys until the holiday. I can’t stop!! I do need a couple more stocking stuffers for my husband though.
I can’t believe it’s so close to Christmas already. I just finished my shopping today.
This is a great idea. I can’t wait to read the first review!
I have one thing I have to buy, and it’s being purchased in the actual store (it isn’t available online.) I’m wanting software and accessories for my DSLR this year. 🙂
This is a great guide. I love that you showcased high end items as well as budget items. I love it!
This is a great guide. I’ve got some last minute shopping to do, and my budget is almost shot so these gifts under $25.00 are great.
Wow, I can’t believe it is almost Christmas. I have so much left I need to do. I like gifts under $25.00.
Thank you for this gift guide! I am going to take some time looking to see if I can get any ideas.
This is a great gift guide. I am done my shopping early for once this year.
What a great guide. So helpful when I need it too! I’m cutting it so close but am so thankful for these guides! 4
As much as I want to admit that I am done, I always come across impulse buys and add more to the list. This is a great guide and I am sure I will find *just one more* thing I need to get lol .
You definitely have some great ideas! I love peeking at the fashion 🙂
These are some awesome ideas for Christmas gifts! My parents are the hardest to buy for and always looking for some gift idea help!
For the most part everyone is taken care of with the exception of my mom. She is the hardest cause she is such a minimalist. I finally got her to tell me she wants a new electric skillet and a electric weed eater. Sounds like great gifts, right? LOL
I’m only about half way through gift shopping! I just can’t figure out what to get anyone this year!
I’m in need of more$25 and under as well as stocking stuffers. Thanks for your great ideas.
Thank you for the gift guide! I still have a few people I need to buy for!
I love this gift guide. This will be a great direction for me. I haven’t started shopping yet
I’m looking for stocking stuffer ideas. I always have trouble finding good things to put in stockings. Thanks!
I love your gift guide! I’m still shopping and running out of time!
Thanks you for these great ideas. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.