Social Spotlight: Why Did Kerrie Go Natural? Friday 22 February, 2013

Social Spotlight: Why Did Kerrie Go Natural?
This is part 3 to my Why Did I Go Natural Social Spotlight series featuring Kerrie (aka.VirtuousStyls). If you missed my initial posting on the series please review here as to how I caught up with 7 bloggers & myself to reveal why we all went natural with our hair process.
Why Did Kerrie Go Natural?
1. Name Kerrie VirtuousOne
2. City,State Atlanta ga
3. Blog Website virtuousstyls.com
4. Years Natural? 5
5. Why Did You Go Natural? A change of lifestyle
6. What is your signature hair style? Twist braids
7. What are some pros/cons to being natural? The thickness of my hair and the process to style it myself.
8. What are your favorite products to use in your hair? Cantu
9. Do you think “going natural” is a trend or it’s here to stay? Both
10. What is a tip you can give to women who are considering going natural? Research and test your products along with being ken minded.
Thanks Kerrie aka VirtuousStyls for participating in my Why Did I Go Natural Photo Series.(check out behind the scenes of this shoot on instagram hashtag #KiwiBlogCollab).
Special Thanks to ABurns Photography & Salon Aamona for the photos & venue!
Find Kerrie (www.virtuousstyls.com)
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P.S. Two of my Why Did I Go Natural Chicas (Kerrie & Tarika) are up for B. Fab Awards presented by TasteMakers Magazine. Kerrie has been nominated for The Best Fashion Thifter Award. Congrats to Kerrie!
Stayed Tuned for the next “Why Did I Go Natural” Blogger – Erika.
Love your favorite blogger,
I love Kerrie. She is always so fly & fierce!
Yes Kerrie can make a $5 wardrobe look like she spent $50. Super amazing!
Great interview and 5 YEARS. Man ALL THAT HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the nomination. Great job KIWI 😉
Thank you Dea!!
I love how Kerri put looks together. She is fabulous.