Posts Tagged ‘Bronner Bros Hairshow 2014’

Friday 08 August, 2014

Bronner Bros 2014 #BeHappyHair Blogger Recap Day 1 + 2 | #FordFusionFun

I had an amazing Bronner Bros weekend as an official blogger. This was the first time they really incorporated bloggers into the festivities into the summer series #BBHappyHair.  Bronner Bros (BB), a leading global hair and skincare company and host the largest cosmetology trade event of its kind bi-annually to the Georgia World Congress Center. It was 3 […]

Saturday 29 March, 2014

{Event Recap} Bronner Bros Annual Upscale Celebrity Lounge hosted by Melinda Williams

So the next day, the continuation the festivities of the Bronner Bros Hair Show was the Upscale Celebrity Lounge Party. The theme Style At It’s Best celebrated the 67th Anniversary of Bronner Bros and success with celebrities and social influencers in Atlanta. Lots of Atlanta stars were in attendance and hosted by beautiful actress Melinda Williams. Below […]

Saturday 29 March, 2014

{Event Recap} Bronner Bros Blogger Brunch + Hair Show 2014

I attended my first Bronner Bros Weekend and we kicked it off with a Blogger Brunch. The interesting thing is that I lived in Atlanta majority of my life, and I have never before went to the Bronner Bros Hair show. Bronner Bros is known for the variety of eccentric hairstyles and products on the […]