{31Stories} Day 28: Drink Monday 09 September, 2013

Day 28: Drink

This is simple, my all time favorite drink is Simply Lemonade with Raspberry. This is constantly stocked in my refridgerator, and if I run out I got through serious withdrawals.
At first when it was just Simply Lemonade, it was love at first sip. That all changed immediately when they introduced Simply Raspberry. It’s just amazing and addictive!
If you read here, you can even get the recipe to my Strawberry Kiwi-licious Smoothie I made with my favorite drink. Delish!

I actually love all of these flavors from the Simply Collections; Simply Limeade®, Simply Lemonade® with Raspberry, Simply Lemonade®,
Simply Orange®, Simply Orange® with Pineapple & Simply Lemonade® with Mango.
The entire collection is yumminess with the except of Blueberry – yuck!
So usually these 3 drinks are fully stocked in my fridge, and if I run out I curl up into a ball and cry until I can make it to the grocery store!
Follow my #31stories on my Instagram + Twitter at @kiwithebeauty.
Love, Grace & Kissy Face,
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