Friday 25 July, 2014
{Movie Review} Lucy The Movie | #LucyATL
They save humans only use 10% of their brain capacity, but have you ever wonder what we would be like if we used more? Scarlett Johansson stars in the new sci-fi action flick Lucy, in which she is the female protagonist and gets the ability to use 100% of her brain. There was a special […]
Monday 07 January, 2013
MEN-TALITIES: Do Men Have Crushes?
MEN-TALITIES Guest Guy Blogger : Mr. Passionate How do we (men) “crush”? I’ll break it down in three different perspectives. How good guys have crushes, how bad boys have crushes, and finally how a man admires a woman. THE GOOD GUY The good guy is usually raised by two parents that love each other dearly. […]