{31 Stories} Day 3: Food Sunday 04 August, 2013

Day 3: Food

So Day 3 is about FOOD! My favorite past time {sad but true}. So I could of taken a picture of actual food I ate, but I thought fruit would be more interesting. Ripe fruit always reminds me of summer {especially with the watermelon}. On this day I actually was at a pool party celebrating the last weekend of a friend who will be leaving for Brooklyn this week.
Vaughn Dabney, although I haven’t known him for very long is one of those people who you can become instantly friends with because of his contagious spirit. He is a people person like me and just likes to have old school fun. We are working on a natural hair project together, and thrilled that he has chosen me to be one of his featured natural hair ladies! He will be leaving ATL to continue his ventures in BROOKYLN.
We chilled by a pool, played UNO {not that bootleg Phase One what is that?!}, and a fan favorite TABOO! But at any gathering, there is FOOD + BEVERAGES {lots of booze, wine and liquor…I opted for a Mike’s Hard Lemonade, and maybe enabled the party to do a celebration shot of 1800}.
At Dabney’s party I only knew two people at the place initially, but left connecting with way more! That is so beautiful to me to meet new people and fun personalities that mesh well together to share a human experience. I love it! We all got along, laughed, swam {ok we had to do some late night swim because a lot of people were water scary lol}. The moral of the story is that food brings people together. I don’t know any social gathering where food and drinks weren’t involved. If not, that party will end as quickly as it starts. Hey people gotta eat, and people will socialize longer when life necessities are involved! So here is the picture of the pool party group!
Learn more about #31stories photo challenge and if you would like to participate with me and others who will be sharing their photos for the month of August. I am going to commit to not quit a monthly photo challenge. I have 31 days to share my story, whats yours?
Follow my #31stories on my Instagram + Twitter at @kiwithebeauty.
Love, Grace & Kissy Face
Food is need celebrating any function in home. The friends and family members are joined and celebrate the each and every functions with happy mind. The interesting and thoughtful party are available for all. The venture and some of relative photographs are shared by me. The instant way of spirit and people like to share with medias. fun personalities and social gathering foods with drinks if fashion at the time of celebration. Group of people to share their happiness.