Happy 4th Blogiversary to KiwiTheBeauty! Tuesday 06 December, 2016

I can’t believe I am typing about my blog turning 4 years old. On December 5th, 2012 this site was born. This was my platform that I birth and help mature into the blog you see today. This blog is a small child! It’s my small child and I am so proud of it. So many amazing things has happened in these 4 beautiful years. I almost want to cry just thinking of it. Some people really didn’t believe in me. What’s a blog, why are you doing this? What will come out of it? Will it last? Is this just a hobby?
I still have naysayers and who cares? I worked so hard to get to 4 years! This is my 3rd blog, I have actually been blogging for 10 years if you count the other two (the first one is deleted forever but you can still see my second blog here). This was never a fad to me…this was just me. Even when it wasn’t cool. Even when Youtube wasn’t a thing. When Facebook was still just for college student such as myself, Myspace was still trendy, when Instagram literally was for photography lovers only and the hashtag took over the world. I was blogging. I never thought it could be a career…I just loved writing and sharing my stories.
I just really loved taking pictures. When I started this blog I just got my first camera phone the year before, but I have always had a digital camera. I had my first video camera at age 13! I had my first kinda digital camera at 15. I was the one who took all of my family video before it was called vlogs! It was little old me who took my big bulky camera to high school and was filming my classmate and friends and even little talent shows.
When I was 13, I was fortunate to be very computer savvy and asked my parents to get me a computer so I could get AOL. From there…I became in a world of teenage girls who was obsessed with the group Imajin, then later N-Toon, and then B2k. With this I crafted my writing skills and became an avid fan-fiction writer a huge community of obsessed teeny booper girl who loved these groups and wrote several short stories. They were very innocent and dare I probably even think embarrassing if I read them today. But that era was the start of “blogging” because along with the short stories, there were daily forums that built a community of us to write, journal, tell stories and I think truly is where my first “blog” was born. I created some bootleg website to house all of my stories (yes I played around with HTML coding back then) and a platform for other fan-girl lovers of these groups to visit my page and take. This is where comments came in! It was a really big community…you think Justin Biebers fans were crazy…we took the cake!!!
So honestly I have been subliminally maturing my craft for over 15+ years and didnt even know it. What I did know in 2011, as I worked my 9 to 5 job, I was happy with life and I thought it was a perfect time to start blogging differently. I had a friend create my logo cartoon because back then that was the trend, and all I had to do was think of a name.
Kiwi The Beauty was born out of how I see beauty through my camera lens and the lifestyle finds and experiences I document with via photo and storytelling. All I needed was a real camera. My boyfriend at the time ask me what I wanted for Christmas that year and I said with little hope that he would actually buy it, “A DSLR camera so I can officially start my blog”. I did all of 2012, lost my job – boyfriend and I broke up not too long after that and yet I still wanted to blog and I did. I found an Atlanta blogging community, I went to events, but I didnt even have the blog up yet. Just playing around on social media using FB/Ingstagram/Twitter to “blog” that’s all I had until Dec.5th, 2012 (click the link to read my first blog post). On that day, I actually bought the domain and got this website developed! And here I am now! Please check out the growth of my blog from year 1 to 3 thus far. It’s been amazing since the moment I started.
Started from the bottom and now here now. Check out how the 4th year has been a blessing to me in 4 ways!
1. More Press Trips + Travel Blogging!
This year was another successful year for travel! Last year I had a travel ambassadorship to go to many places on press trips, and this year my blog was invited to several cities and countries to do reviews! I feel really blessed because I only had my passport for 1 year, and since I got it I have been able to travel. Travel blogging is added to my blog and I take it very seriously it is not a trend for me. I got to do many hotel/resort reviews, experience some local cuisine and more! Carnival Cruise line even invited me back to do an 8-day cruise on Carnival Splendor with them since I did such a great job last year on my post. Whether I did some press trips on my own, or did it solo…traveling has really been the highlight of my year! More press trips and travel journalism to come!
Read about my 2016 Carnival Splendor Trip experiences here and here
Read about my Press Trip to The Grafton At Sunset (Los Angeles) here
Read about my Press Trip to Hotel Blue Beachfront Resort (Myrtle Beach) here
Read about my Press to Nashville for Dollar General A Day of Beauty experience here
Read about my Press Trip stay at Panama RIU Plaza here
2. More Print work with Family Dollar + Dollar General
Since year one of my blog I have consistently been able to land print work for my blog. I am really proud to be featured in any type of media placement! I love print still so when I see myself in a magazine it makes me really happy to see KiwiTheBeauty.com in popular pages where people can see them in the stores! I was featured by Dollar General in their Beauty Cents Fall 2016 magazine with Keke Wyatt on the cover. It was part of the A Day of Beauty Campaign in which I did a press trip for them as well.
Family Dollar also featured me in some print material this year as a continuation of 2015 Family Dollar Fabulous campaign here in Atlanta. Family Dollar featured me in Hype Hair Magazine + in their Family Dollar Summer Coupon Savings Printouts. I was featured in coupons so that was pretty cool!
3. My Vanity Fair Blogger Experience During the Oscars
This was a big surprise this year as Vanity Fair invited me to be a VFSC blogger for the Oscars this year. I was in such shock because I was literally the only one who wasn’t from LA selected to attend. I was in LA for fun and some mini press stuff outside of this 5 day experience, so this really blew my mind. I always said I wanted to do more press events in LA and I got my wish. It was a wonderful opportunity and it was just fun to do something in Los Angeles that went in alignment with the Oscars! Maybe one day I will actually go to the Oscars or to a swanky holiday exclusive party!
Read about my Vanity Fair Social Club Oscar experience here
4. My First Commercial
Now this is one of the most cherished things I did this year was to be in a commercial. It wasn’t blog related or shouting out KiwiTheBeauty.com at all, but it was me being the featured girl for the new #1 hit show for FX’s Atlanta. It became the best premiere tune-in for any basic cable comedy since 2013’s launch of Inside Amy Schumer. What’s more, Atlanta also stands as the biggest comedy debut for any FX or FXX half-hour since 2011’s Wilfred.
Yes I live in Atlanta and I got to be in one of the promo commercials for the show Atlanta with actor/rapper Donald Glover (Childish Gambino). I was the feature girl and I am still in shock of my commercial appearance. Fun Fact: Donald Glover and I both grew up in Stone Mountain. I also knew and went to school with his sister (we were in the same grade). Small but cool world.
Learn more on how I got the opportunity in my Youtube clip above! Have you watched FX’s Atlanta? If not you need to!
Honorable Mentions
Lime-a-rita Party Invite of The Year!
In May around Cinco de Mayo, Lime-a-Rita invited me to be an exclusive VIP blogger/influencer for their epic #MargaReady Party + Concert! When I tell you this party was amazing…it was…how the young kids and myself say LIT! The concert was performed by Snoop Dogg who was the DJ and St.Lunatic original member Nelly shut it down! I’ve been to a lot of parties and activations in Atlanta but this here was explosive. Nothing has topped it and I thank the Lime-A-Rita brand for having me as a blogger influencer for the event!
Read about the Lime-A-Rita #MargaReady party in Atlanta recap here
My Trip to Varadero, Cuba
This trip to Cuba was special to me. I went with my best friend Lexi and we had a ball in this city for a week. We did something different, we went to Varadero instead of Havana, as that is the beachy/resort area of Cuba. This was not one of my press trips, this was a trip I booked at a great introductory rate with American Airlines, as Cuba is slowly letting American’s visit after a longtime ban. It’s definitely an experience I wont forget, and of course for 2017 I will be returning!
Read about my Varadero Cuba experience here
I want to also share how this was one of my most scariest years as well. I didn’t talk about it much at all on here. I didn’t want to worry you all, but my personal friends and family knew I got into a major car accident in the May (a little after the commercial). I could of lost my life, my car was totaled. Due to legal issues I wont be able to disclosed the details right now, but let just say that day could of went into a real tragic direction. I got banged up pretty bad, I didn’t blog for a while, but when I did I made up for it. So all of these press trips you see me go to, many was after the car accident. By the grace of God I was semi-healed and was able to go on with my life. This is my life and I am so happy I can continue sharing this journey and my lifestyle with you all. So when I say I am literally cheering to 4 years…I am cheering seriously. I am alive and so is this blog. My life was spared, and KiwiTheBeauty.com can continue.
This has been an amazing year. I feel blessed than I am still going strong with my Kiwi The Beauty platform. I really feel like each year it’s maturing and growing at a good rate. I may not be the biggest blogger out there yet, but I can truly say it’s been an amazing journey with a plethora of opportunities! People and brands see value in my site and my influence and I am forever grateful. Sometimes I do think…should I quit. What if I reached my limit…and I quickly snap out of it as I continue to recollect how far I really came. Kiwi The Beauty was once a concept I played around with as I was working my 9 to 5 job, to now this is my job!
Cheers to my blog baby growing up. Of course I am not where I want to be, but I am grateful for where I am. I never quit, this is lasting longer than any relationship I have ever been in. I have stayed committed through the ups and down, the happy and the burnouts…I never gave up on my platform. I am more than just a “blogger” now actually. I am a freelance writer + content creator + influencer + photographer and more. This is not just a blog anymore…its a platform. I still have a lot of growing up to do in this industry, but I am pretty professional at this point.
Thanks for reading and celebrating with me on my Blog turning 4 and many more!
Happy Blogivesary!! You’ve done so many exciting things!! Cheers to you and to so many more exciting things!
Wow! It is amazing that you have been blogging for 10 years and 4 years with this blog, that is pretty incredible well done you! Here is to a bright future.
Wow, first off happy blogiversary!! You’ve had the chance to have some amazing experiences. I think that’s what I love best about blogging!
Happy 4th anniversary! And congrats on more press trips…they’re pretty fabulous right?!? Especially that trip to Cuba!
Wow! Congratulations on four years! You are an inspiration to us all. Keep up the wonderful work!!
Congrats on your blogiversary. It really looks like you had an amazing year traveling and experiencing all kinds of new things. Here’s to many more years of fun and fabulousness.
Happy blogiversary! I’ve really enjoyed following your blog and your growth. And, of course, I’ve loved watching your amazing trips!
That’s so exciting! Every year is another milestone. You’ve been doing a great job. The events and trips you get to go on are always super cool.
I can’t believe it has been four years since I have been reading your blog for a VERY long time. Loved all your amazing trips this year!
Congratulations. The last 4 years look like they have held some fantastic memories.
How fun to look back at growth and progress. Wishing you a wonderful blogiversary and many more successful years ahead!
Congrats on 4 years. I am at 1 year and have been enjoying the growth. I love all those press events you have been to. I haven’t ventured out to meet anyone yet.
Happy Blogiversary! Mine just turned three a little while back. It is hard to believe that we have come this far in just a short period of time. Here’s to four more great year…and more!
Happy four year blogiversary! You have certainly been blogging for a while, especially counting your other blogs.
It sounds like you’ve had an amazing year! Congratulations on all your success this year and your continued success in the future.
Four years of blogging is truly a feat. I’m actually coming up to the four year mark, so I will definitely need to do something special! xx Adaleta Avdic
Wow! It looks like you had an amazing year! I would love to get to a place to be able to do some of the things that you’ve accomplished! Happy Blogaversary!
Congrats on another successful year! I can’t wait to see where you and your blog go in Year 5!
Happy Anniversary! It looks like you were able to experience and enjoy a lot in your journey, congratulations.
Happy anniversary.. Congratulations for the 4 years of success.. Wishing more years to come..
Happy blogiversary.. Looking forward to see your another year of journey of blogging..
Wow! Happy Blog Anniversary! Time really flies when you’re having fun! Keep up your great work!
Congrats! You have done so so much in only four years. Your blog is a huge accomplishment and one of my favourite reads.
Happy Anniversary! I’m happy this year brought in so many opportunities and success! I hope next year is even bigger and better. =)
Happy anniversary!! It’s so awesome to be able to look back and see how far you’ve come in those years!
Congratulations! – what a catchy phrase (blogiversary).
You always look like you are having a smashing-good time in your pictures!
Congrats on 4 years!! Those drinks look fantastic. I look forward to your future blog posts.
Happy Blogivesary!! This is awesome and so encouraging! You have had some awesome opportunities and done some awesome things, but I loved the most when you said, “Of course I am not where I want to be, but I am grateful for where I am.”. I pray continued blessing over you and your blogging journey!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! Looks like you’ve had an amazing year and that you have a lot of excitement in store for you soon! Congrats on your success!
Happy Blogiversary! You have had so many proud moments and accomplishments with and without your blog. Keep up the good work, I always look forward to what you’re going to post next!
Happy 4th Anniversary to you! Blogging opens so many doors and is so much fun, glad you have stuck with it for four years and had some amazing experiences!
Happy 4th anniversary! That is such a huge accomplishment! I’ve been blogging for about two years now and it’s been such an amazing experience. I can’t wait to get to 4 years!
Happy 4 years of blogging! I love that you are setting goals for the next year. Totally inspired to do the same!
Happy four years of blogging! What an awesome accomplishment! I love blogging so much — can’t wait till I’ve been doing it that long!
Happy Blogiversay! You’ve done so much cool stuff over the last few years! Here’s to many more years full of fun and happiness!
Happy Blogiversary– looks like you have had such an incredible adventure thus far and I can’t wait to follow along and see where the next four years take you and your blog!
Wow what an accomplishment! Happy 4th Blogiversary! So much fun, you have done so well. So great, you must be so proud!
Congratulations on the 4 years of inspiring and cheers to many more years to come.
It’s cool to see pictures from some of your past blog posts – I remember some of them! Happy Blogversary…here’s to many more!
Woah four years?!?! Way to go!!!! Congrats on the anniversary and reaching this milestone
I remember your blog wen you first started. 🙂 Happy blogiversary!
Wow girl keep slaying. That is so awesome how far you have gone and how you didn’t let people keep you down. I’ve been blogging less than a year and right now it’s just my hobby, but I’m staying positive and not listening to any negativity!!
Cheers to you on your blogaversary! Here’s to many more years and adventures.
Happy blogiversary to you! You did put in a lot of hard work to make your blog a success. Wishing you all the best in the years to come.
Congrats on 4 great years. And here’s to many many more and may they get better each year.
Happy Blogiversary to you! I have enjoyed following your blog for the past couple of years and it’s so fun to see all of your adventures. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing what the year has ahead for you!
CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful milestone. You have so much to show for every year. Cheers to making every moment count.
Congrats on four FABULOUS years!! You are really making the most of it, and I wish you so much more success and fun with blogging =D
Congratulations, You have accomplished so much in 4 years, continue to keep up the good work!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! That is quite an accomplishment.
Can you say a FABULOUS year! Girl congrats on the growth and future growth of your blog and business! It’s so great to see good things happen for good people! Keep up the great work!
Happy Blogiversary! Your 4th year was fabulous. I can’t wait to see what year #5 brings for your blog. The log your friend designed is so cute. I love it!
Congratulations! Keep doing a great job. I wish you well.
Congratulations! This is so exciting! It is awesome to see your progress.
Happy blogaversary. You had a great four years. Wishing you many, many more. It’s been fun keeping u with you, too!
Never worry about the naysayers, they are just your biggest motivators. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone for you and your blog.
Congratulations on 4 awesome years!!! You’ve accomplished so many things, and should be so proud! I’m so glad I get to keep up with you during your journey. Keep up the fabulous work! 🙂
happy blogaversary! You have done so much. congratulations and here’s to many more successful years!
4 Years!!! What a major accomplishment. Congratulations! You’ve had so many wonderful things come your way. I was reflecting back this year and realized I’ve been in the blogging world for about 8 years myself but just in different places! lol What growth have we seen? I can’t wait to see year 5.
Congratulations on your 4th year, I am new to blogging so this is exciting to see some of the things you have accomplished, keep up the amazing work.
What an awesome list of accomplishments! Happy Blogiversary! I always love reading about what adventure you’ve done next!
Happy Blogiversary!! What an amazing. I recently launched after four years and a failed boutique. This post just gave me so much encouragement to keep pushing. Congrats and much success in the new year!’